Friday, July 07, 2006

When the truth is harder to swallow...

Are there situations where you feel that it is better to keep quiet than to say something knowing that you will receive unnecessary glares of skepticism?

How many times does your boss confessed that: "I don't want yes-man in my team", only to end up shooting you down because you provided alternative opinion on his idea?

You company management says "our business is growing double-digit!" when they communicate with share-holders, but says "we failed to make enough profit" when it is time for salary increment. Sounds familiar?

Have you not noticed that it feels great to hear a friend say to you that "you look good today" than to say "you look troubled"?

Do you find it easy telling your wife that the brownie you had yesterday at the bakery is much better than the one she made a moment ago?

So we live in a world that is constantly surrounded by hypocriticism. Where the truth is often not the truth, and where it is much easier to make up a truth than to convey the truth itself. So at the end of the day, what is the truth?

This is my first blog post on a subject that anyone can identify with. From the highest echelon to the man in the street, from continent to continent, from generations to generations. The intention is not to find a way to overhaul civilization, but to provide a forum for discussion on a subject that threads through our everyday life.

I invite readers to post your comments, share your experiences and argue against my hypothesis.

Like it or not, the truth is always harder to swallow... how then can we make it more palatable?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Indeed... some of the things about bosses do make sense to me.